YouTube : Eric's Gibberish    instagram : techniquesmerged   


LinkedIn : Eric Kotwal   

We provide Professional Services for the Customized Design and Development of ...


Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits and Products

Embedded Systems and Products

Software Applications and Solutions

Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) Solutions

Custom Made Hardware and Software Engineering Solutions


Our research and development team comprising of qualified and skilled engineers with years of technical experience and expertise in the electronics and software engineering industry cater to the indigenous design and development of customized prototypes, products and solutions.


Our Approach and Procedure


We at Techniques Merged begin with a clear and thorough consultation with you, the customer, enabling us to gain an in-depth understanding of the customized prototype, product or solution required by your business, company, industry or organization in terms of project concept, technical specifications, aesthetics, expectations, preferences, reliability, time frame and pricing.


Our primary goal involving the design and development of the tailor made hardware or software is a solid analysis and evaluation of the technical challenges and potential risks involved at the project’s deliverance, in turn helping us to figure out the most appropriate and optimal methodologies that will do the job both effectively and efficiently.


With frequent discussions and meetings, the customer shall have a clear view of the project’s design and development progress which may be executed either in completion or as a stage by stage process.


Our Products and Solutions


The professional services provided at Techniques Merged do not target solely at high production volumes but focus on the design and development of customized prototypes, products and solutions that are highly dependable in terms of innovativeness, conformance quality, affordability and an on-time delivery.


Our tailor made products and solutions are designed and developed keeping in mind its ease of maintenance, testing and debugging albeit keeping the project design and development costs both reasonable as well as affordable.


Quality engineering and thorough testing is at the core of each and every successful, stable and reliable indigenous engineering solution designed, developed and manufactured at Techniques Merged.


Contact us to begin an innovative and prosperous partnership !

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Updated on : 6 Jun 2020